Inclusion & Accessibility

Tackling AT Part 2: AT Consultation @ IU8 (Jolt018)

Join us as we explore all things assistive technology, including the who, what, when, where, and why. Discover what AT consideration looks like for IEP teams and familiarize yourself with the AT consultation process at AIU8. Investigate roles and responsibilities that ensure successful AT implementation all while gaining valuable charts and forms to guide your internal team functioning.

Note: This course is available for IU8 schools only. It is recommended that you take the course, Tackling Assistive Technology: An Introduction, before this one.

Includes a FREE downloadable resource!
➤ AT Know It/Show It

Course Author: Andrea Zern

  • Welcome
  • What is AT?
  • Technology Helps Us All
  • What is Assistive Technology?
  • AT Intro
  • AT Consideration Flowchart
  • IU8 AT Consultations
  • AT Supports from IU8
  • IU8 AT Consultation
  • SETT the Table
  • Take Action!
  • Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail
  • Feature Matching and AT Trials
  • Feature Matching: Part 1
  • Feature Matching: Part 2
  • Feature Help
  • Assistive Technology Trials
  • Resource: AT Know It/Show It
  • AT is the Toolbox
  • Support, Not Supplant
  • Wrap-Up
  • About the Author: Andrea Zern
  • Share Your Feedback
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever